Dynamic effects on the lattice boom crane due to the wind, moving load and earthquake events

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Luigi Solazzi
Nicola Danzi


The present research concerns the evaluation of the dynamic effect on lattice boom cranes. The dynamic actions involved in this research are: wind, moving load and earthquake, assumed as time-varying actions. The research starts with the design of a large crane by adopting classical standards for these structures (UNI EN 13001 series). The elaborations were performed by analytical methods followed by solid model building and finite element analysis (Solidworks® and Ansys® software). The next step was to define the aforementioned loads acting on these structures.

The wind action model was compared with the static approach. Payload displacement induces high-intensity actions on the crane structure; to better understand these effects, several load curves were simulated. The last action considered is the earthquake phenomenon, which is not usually adopted to design this type of structure.


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