Experimental Investigation of Snail Shell-based Cement Mortar: Mechanical Strength, Durability and Microstructure

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Suseela Alla
Asadi Siva Sankar


Snail shells are the discarded bio-shell waste from restaurants, and oceans creating huge environmental problems for society. Living organisms are harmed when these shells are released. As previously stated, the work focuses primarily on the utilisation of snail shell powder as a raw ingredient in cement mortar. The mechanical and durability features of snail shell-based cement mortar were compared to the nominal mortar in this study. Snail shell powder, ranging from 0% to 35%, was used to partially substitute cement in mortar, with a variation of 5%. XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) was used to determine the chemical composition of both mixes. The mechanical properties of mortar for both mixes were determined using a compressive strength test. The tests on cement mortar viz., Water Absorption, Sorptivity, Acid Durability, and Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCP Test) were compared with nominal mortar mix.  According to the results of the investigation, the optimum use of snail shell powder is 30%. The durability of both mixes increased by the increase of the snail shell powder. To detect the C-S-H gel formations, microstructural analysis was performed for both mixes.


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