Thermophilic Enzymes The Key for Greener Industrial Processes

Main Article Content

Matilde Viegas
Maria J. Ramos
Pedro A. Fernandes


Substantial improvements in the industrial production of goods led to a widespread feeling of unlimited access to food, commodities, and energy. As greener alternatives for industrial processes are in demand, scientists have turned to enzymes, looking for apt biocatalysts. Focusing on extremophiles, this mini review draws a comparison between thermophiles and their mesophilic counterparts, exploring what features are instrumental to their thermostability. A higher number of ion-pairs, hydrophobicity of buried side chains, compact tertiary structure cores, and a complex network of hydrogen bonds are the four main characteristics responsible for the robustness of thermophilic enzymes.


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Author Biographies

Matilde Viegas, LAQV@REQUIMTE - University of Porto


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty of Sciences

University of Porto

Rua do Campo Alegre

4169-007 PORTO


Maria J. Ramos, LAQV@REQUIMTE - University of Porto


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty of Sciences

University of Porto

Rua do Campo Alegre

4169-007 PORTO


Pedro A. Fernandes, LAQV@REQUIMTE - University of Porto


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty of Sciences

University of Porto

Rua do Campo Alegre

4169-007 PORTO
